Friday, August 29, 2008

Upcoming Hopes

Fall and Winter are approaching, which means that studios start cranking out their Oscar bait. While a shallow marketing ploy, it also makes it the absolute best time of the year for cinephiles to go to the movies. Here are some of the upcoming films I'm looking forward to.

The Road

Cormac McCarthy's post-apocalyptic best-seller gets adapted by the guy who brought us The Proposition (one of my favorites films of 2006). Sign me up.

Burn After Reading
There is a trend lately whereby critics associate the phrase "a Coen Brothers comedy" with The Ladykillers and Intolerable Cruelty. Clearly these people have forgotten about Raising Arizona, The Hudsucker Proxy, and The Big Lebowski. Do not underestimate the Coens. Not now, not ever.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Early word is that David Fincher might finally get an Oscar nod. It's about goddamn time, and might help calm down my anger from Zodiac failing to get a single nomination.

Body of Lies
William Monahan, Ridley Scott, Leonardo Dicaprio and Russell Crowe. There are my reasons.

Quantum of Solace
Ever see Casino Royale? If you answered "No," then guess what you'd better do tonight? And I'm a guy who hated 007 movies.

Zack and Miri Make a Porno

This Kevin Smith comedy was rated NC-17, but got downgraded to R on appeal (without having to make cuts). The last time this happened to Smith? Clerks.

Feast 2
& 3
Because no list would be complete if I wasn't looking forward to some D-grade horror. And I am actually looking forward to these.

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