Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Screw it, I must sing!

Someday within the next 5 years or so, I will finish out my would-be series of horror posts. But for now, I just feel like playing around on YouTube, so I present you with a Top 5 list that enables me to do so.

Top 5 "Singing Along to the Car Stereo" Movie Moments:

5. Tommy Boy and Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle

These scenes tie for 5th because they are funny for the exact same reason. Each begins with the characters pretending not to like cheesy pop music, and each ends with the characters sincerely singing along in unison with cheesy pop music. Comedy.

4. White Chicks

Didn't think White Chicks had any redeeming qualities, did you? Well now you know not to doubt the comedic prowess of Terry Crews. Not now, not ever.

3. Step Brothers

I don't know which is funnier, Adam Scott's sincerity or the wife's dead eyes.

2. Jerry Maguire

This scene is familiar rather than funny. Everyone has had one of those moments when you just want to sing out in triumph and celebration. And in the dark ages of the mid-90's, before the MP3 made it possible to carry your own personal soundtrack around with you, you had to hope that your local radio stations would cooperate.

1. Wayne's World

You know why. Everyone knows why. They made us watch this in our junior high music class, for God's sake. It's that ingrained in our social consciousness.