Friday, August 06, 2010

My Descent Into Madness: Top Gun (1986)

  People love this movie, and that saddens me.  As a piece of pure, empty-headed popcorn fluff, I suppose it's an entertaining movie.  But as The Rotten Tomatoes Show recently pointed out, Top Gun essentially serves as a metaphor for the United States' arrogant approach to foreign policy.  Though in fairness, it did lead to one of the best games ever for the original Nintendo.
  I imagine anyone reading this has probably seen this movie, or at least knows the basic plot from overhearing everyone else they know talking about the movie at some point.  But just in case, here's the basic rundown:  subtly-named egotistical hotshot pilot Maverick (Tom Cruise) flies the way he wants to fly, loves the way he wants to love, and plays by nobody's rules but his own.  He has a brief psychological setback, then discovers that he is the only one who can save the day, which is does by flying the way he wants to fly.  He is then disproportionately rewarded.  The.  Fucking.  End.
  The movie's thesis is that the Hero is the guy who doesn't listen to reason, puts himself and others in constant danger, sleeps with his teacher, and pulls in-air pranks that are essentially acts of war.  USA!  USA!  USA!
  So, story-wise, Top Gun is appalling.  But these entries are about Tony Scott, and his direction here is fine.  This is easily the most visually-restrained Tony Scott film.  Very few of his personal flourishes are present.  Sure, it's a big action-packed Hollywood blockbuster with fast-paced editing and 80's rock music, but it all looks thoroughly by-the-numbers.  Which is odd, because this is apparently the film where Scott officially went batshit insane.  Scott was fired 3 separate times during production, and at one point wrote a personal check for $25,000 to the commander of an aircraft carrier so that he would turn the carrier around so Scott could pick up a single shot.  This was only his second movie.

I don't have much else to say, so here's some random Top Gun trivia:
  • The film's famous anthem by Kenny Loggins was first offered to both Toto and REO Speedwagon.  Imagine growing up in a world with the #1 hit single "Danger Zone," by Toto.
  • Val Kilmer did not want to be in the film, but was contractually obligated to.
  • Before casting Tom Cruise, the role of Maverick was officially offered to, and subsequently turned down by: Patrick Swayze, Emilio Estevez, Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, Matthew Broderick, Sean Penn, Michael J. Fox and Tom Hanks.
  • Similarly, Kelly McGillis' role was turned down by Tatum O'Neal, Holly Hunter, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jennifer Grey, Jamie Lee Curtis, Ally Sheedy, Geena Davis, Jodie Foster, Daryl Hannah, Diane Lane, Sarah Jessica Parker, Linda Hamilton and Brooke Shields.
  • Bryan Adams, Bruce Springsteen and Judas Priest all refused to allow their music to be used on the soundtrack because they thought the movie glorified war and would flop.
  • John Carpenter and David Cronenberg turned down the offer to direct.  So, considering that Tony Scott's only movie prior to this one was The Hunger, the producers of Top Gun apparently really wanted a horror director to helm their mega-budget military action movie.  WTF?

1 comment:

Nick Prigge said...

Wow. This post was EXTREMELY informative. Honestly. I had no idea of Tony Scott's rampant insanity during production and I didn't even know that Bruce forbid them from using his music (I'm glad he did). I also really would like to see "Top Gun" starring Matthew Broderick & Ally Sheedy.